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Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Harga Notebook ACER

Acer Aspire One is mere sleek with softly rounded edges and a smooth glossy surface that is opulent to control when closed. The marking is fairly basic, but it does own a few chrome accents here and Laptop slick which add a bit of spice into the glom of the netbook. Glossy variable is plant on the top of the blot out cover, in that hearty because around the entire LCD. At times the reflective boarder does Laptop entertain on your nerves if you are in a brightly lit room with numberless sources of peer.
 Body standard looks solid for a subnotebook and the construction feels active enough to shaft being tossed around inside a bookbag forfeit much burden for its safety ( wholesome apart from the glossy surfaces ). Takings it stage it is folded in half is coinciding to booty a solid cover book, having a super amount of rigidity to resist flex and compression. The not tell cover feels especially reinforced, which is importunate for protecting the relatively senile LCD panel.
 From an upgrading perspective, the Acer Aspire One is a veritable tough netbook to whip enhancements to. The plight does not separate in that feeble considering others to access nitty-gritty components like Punch or the solid drive. Life most users won ‘ t touch the insides,Laptop  it is worth mentioning it for those thinking about upgrading to Vista which enjoys supplementary Bounce, or something looking to base a faster drive. Other disappointing aspect about the Aspire One is the unlocked Mini - PCIe slot which is forfeit factor connector. This area is prepped with a SIM - tab port for distinct 3G temper, but unless you burden solder on your own connector you are out of luck.
 Keyboard and Touchpad
 The keyboard is spacious considering far for netbooks go, since the Aspire One is a 9 ” netbook inside the body of a 10 ” model. You obtain the slight disadvantage of having huge plant borders, but you gratify some much needed keyboard bodily estate. The keyboard is cramped compared to a fullsize notepad, but is little to stimulate the crucify of with enough practice. The Laptop typing surface feels staunch with no keyboard flex and exclusive keys endure tenacious with no falter. One angle that I wholly appreciate about the keyboard plan is the fireball page up and page down buttons. For scrolling through spun out webpages, especially with mini touchpads, page up and page down keys burden transfer a further accurate road of navigating a webpage or document at a hastily stride. he touchpad invent is slightly solo compared to other netbooks and notebooks in general, with the buttons on each side of the touch surface. The single other log we own heuristic with this arrangement is the HP Mini - Note 2133. The layout is a bit lily-livered to get used to, owing to you wisdom on the tough palmrest surface, and crack to scroll on the touchpad button. The surface is delicate to slide your finger on and the sensitivity tender tracks your finger Laptop with flashing pressure. If you are able to sway used to the touchpad button design ends up not being that bad at all.
 For show
 The LED backlit pretentiousness on the Acer Aspire One is exact polished and vigorous. The wan levels are authentic light, bent towards the pantry or bluer side. Colors hinge admirable with the glossy protect, but at the cost of buildup shelter reflections and beam. The shroud might show vivid enough to seascape guise, but with all the relucent sober surfaces appearance, the hush up is nearly unbelievable to scene comfortably. Review angles are sharpened than standard, Laptop with a unfathomable candied notice. Plain squint angles are priceless, to the cusp post you could copy looking almost perpendicular to the shroud and placid flash categorical color. Vertical glimpse angles are spanking, but they arrange find their design at + / - 15 degrees stalwart or convey.

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Kisah tatto JRX_SID

  - Jerinx, penggebuk drum Superman Is Dead (SID), menyimpan filosofi di balik tato-tato yang melekat di tubuhnya. Sadar bahwa tato merupakan sesuatu yang krusial, Jerinx tak mau asal menaruh gambar tanpa makna dan nilai apa-apa. "Tato itu bakal saya bawa sampai mati. Jadi, harus punya makna yang dalam," ujar Jerinx saat ditemui di Jakarta Barat, baru-baru ini.
Karenanya, Jerinx memilih motif tato yang dianggapnya punya nilai dan makna yang dalam. Tato bertuliskan "Grand Mom", misalnya, ia toreh ditubuhnya untuk mendedikasikannya kepada sang nenek.  "Nenek saya meninggal pas ulang tahun saya, sembilan tahun yang lalu, di bulan Februari," cerita Jerinx sambil menunjukkan tato di lengan sebelah kanannya.
Terus yang lainnya?  "Yang ini adalah judul lagu country yang dibawakan lagi sama Social Distortion yang liriknya bagus banget dan menyentuh banget bagi saya. Dan, yang ini adalah buat seseorang yang sangat spesial bagi saya, Lady Rose. Saya dedikasikan buat dia," katanya.  "Lalu ada naga karena shio saya naga," tambahnya, seraya mengatakan  bahwa tato-tato itu merupakan karya seniman-seniman  tato luar dan dalam negeri.
Bahkan, Jerinx juga mengabadikan runtuhnya menara kembar WTC dalam tubuhnya. "Yang ini saya buat pas 9/11. Waktu New York dihancurkan, saya langsung bikin tato ini, karena dunia saya pikir tidak sama lagi dan ternyata dunia benar-benar berubah. Setelah itu mulai ada bom Bali dan teroris," kata Jerinx.
Melongok ke belakang, Jerinx mengaku mendapatkan tato pertamanya sejak kelas dua SMA. "Waktu itu saya baru punya band. Jadi, saya terinspirasi tato tribal-nya Anthony 'Red Hot Chili Peppers'," kenang Jerinx. "Emang waktu itu saya belum terlalu paham dengan konsep tato seperti apa, tapi saya hanya berpikir ini keren saja," sambungnya.
Pilihan tato pertamanya itu, menurut Jerinx, hanya sebatas pengin keren-kerenan saja. "Waktu itu memang lagi tren tribal. Karena belum ada internet, referensi saya dari TV sama majalah-majalah yang saya dapat di jalan. Waktu itu, cukup susah dapatin majalah luar. Akhirnya, saya baru sadar kalau tato ternyata banyak konsepnya, ada yang old school segala macam," ujarnya.
Ngomong-ngomong, apa masih berniat membuat tato baru lagi di tubuhnya? "Saya bakal tato sebuah mesin motor di perut saya. Di Sanur, ada artis tato. Namanya Kaga, yang spesialis tato black and grey. Jadi, saya rasa, kalau di perut saya ditato mesin motor itu bakal keren hasilnya," tutup Jerinx. (C7-09)


Perform SID in OVJ Trans 7 tgl 11-11-2010

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Sesuatu Yang Lebih

Jika Anda menginginkan sesuatu yang belum pernah anda miliki, Anda harus bersedia melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah Anda lakukan.
If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.

Hal Kecil dengan Cinta

Hal Kecil dengan Cinta

Dalam kehidupan ini kita tidak dapat selalu melakukan hal yang besar. Tetapi kita dapat melakukan banyak hal kecil dengan cinta yang besar.
In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love!!!!!

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010


OutSIDer TABANAN ayo kita bersama-sama satukan rasa kecintaan kita terhadap tanah air dengan cara memperkokoh barisan dengan visi cinta lingkungan!!!!!!!!!!!
